Tuesday, March 11, 2014


February was a pretty low key month for us.  We started the month off with a bang with Mia being sick.  After Monty had to clean up puke of the floor, get Mia's bedding in the wash, and give her a bath (I was at work...darn), he put her back to bed with a bowl in case she needed to throw up again.  She fell asleep with it on her head.
 And even once she woke up she still preferred to have it on her head.
Once Mia was feeling better she was back to her goofy self.  Mia loves my shoes!  And by her own choice is back to wearing bibs?!?
 We went down to visit Monty's family and Mia did some roller skating.
 She does much better skating in the grass.
In February I got a new toy...a new camera.  Our old one has been dropped a few too many times...mostly by Mia, and I have wanted a nicer one for a while.  We finally found a camera that I liked in Monty's price range so I snatched it up.  I had to drive 30 minutes away to get it but it was so worth it.  I've been busy taking a bunch of pictures since then.
 We're teaching her young to be an Aggie Fan!
 Mia's breakfast of champions?  OATMEAL!
 Monty also decided to grow a beard for February.  We are now in March and it is still around.  Maybe it will be a winter thing.
We did have a couple nice days which meant we got to go outside and play a bit. 
  Mia's loving her new "Big Girl Bike." 
For whatever reason Mia likes laying across various pieces of furniture, window sills, whatever is available.  Apparently she likes planking. 
Mia loves to read books and has now started reading them to her stuffed animals and dolls.  It is really cute to watch.
 She's getting so big!!