Sunday, June 2, 2013


It's only June 2nd and I'm getting the post done for May!  Is anyone else as surprised as I am??
This month Mia has learned how to ride a Big Girl Bike.  She's now cruising around the neighborhood on 4 wheels instead of 3.  Occasionally she'll still ride her tricycle but most the time she gets in the garage and tells me she wants to ride her "Big Bike."  Initially she had some trouble getting started from the stopped position if she wasn't headed down the drive way but she has gotten pretty good and needs very few pushes now.
 We've even had a couple days warm enough to run in the sprinkler with friends.
 I thought this was hilarious. I was doing laundry one day and Mia was watching "Buzz" (her favorite movie, or I guess movies because we get away with switching between the 3 of them). I came out of the laundry room and she'd dumped the clothes out of the basket and had climbed in to watch the movie.  It doesn't look very comfortable but she enjoyed herself.
 The March for Babies was in May and I was a walker for our unit at the hospital.  Of course the weather was cold and rainy the day of the walk but we all bundled up and faced the elements together.  May 15th was our wedding anniversary so we had stayed in Salt Lake the night before the walk.  Mia spent the night at home with Aunt Trina and then Trina brought her to Salt Lake before the walk.  It worked out well because Trina had to be in Salt Lake the morning too.  Because we headed down to Salt Lake the night before, I didn't know it was supposed to rain, and we had no umbrella.  We all ended up a bit soggy but we had a good time.
 They handed out Creamies half way through...Mia and I shared one.  Monty was too cold for one...They should have done hot chocolate.
 The walk was at This Is The Place Heritage Park so after the walk we went to see the animals.
Mia thought the little horse was pretty cool (it was a donkey but hey I figure a little horse is good for a 2 year old).
 They had a whole bunch of baby chicks.  They were huddled together trying to keep warm.
 We even got to hold one of the chicks and Mia got to pet it.
 Mia chased this poor duck all over until he took off into the cage with the donkey.  I guess he thought it was safer with the donkey than with Mia.
 We even got to see some of Santa's Reindeer.
 We stopped in at the school house to learn about what life was like for kids when Utah was being settled.  Mia liked being able to color on the chalk boards.
 Of course we had to take a ride on the train.  However, as we were sitting on the train we realized we could see our breath so decided it was time to head home after the train ride.  Maybe next year the weather will be better so we can do some more exploring.
 One evening in May the power went out and ended up being out for about 5 hours.  We went to Subway for dinner and had a picnic with our sandwiched on the front lawn and then hung out outside until it was about bedtime.  After spending all evening outside Mia was in desperate need of a bath.  We were getting ready to do a bath by candle light when I remembered that we have a big window in our bathroom.  There was just enough sunlight left that with the blinds open we could see.  Mia was pretty excited to take a bath in Mom's tub.
I don't remember how it happened but somehow we discovered Mia loves the song Drive By by Train.  She dances all around the living room and sings to it.
Memorial Day weekend my mom and brother came down from Idaho.  Mia definitely loves her Uncle Shawn, and the fact that he rides a bike with one wheel made him even cooler!  Shawn actually has about a dozen unicycles ranging from little ones to one that the seat is about 18ft tall.
 He even let her take a turn on one of his unicycles.
 This one has a big wheel and is made for speed so it had handle bars to hold on to.
On Memorial Day we went out to Simpson Springs and went 4-wheeling with Monty's family.
 We all had a great time.
 Mia loved it and would go on a ride with whoever was willing to take her.
 Mia's cousins brought tents and sand toys.  They were a good distraction from the 4-wheelers at times.
 We roasted hot dogs and made S'mores.
 The 4 grand kids with Grandma and Grandpa.  The 5th grand kid was there too but she's still in her mamma's belly.  Only another month and we get to meet her!
 Mia got to try out both 4-wheelers.
 While we were there Lucy tried to teach Mia how to climb the tree.  Luckily they couldn't get very high and Mia refused to take her helmet off the whole time we were there.  You never know when you might get to go for another ride.
 Once again Mia managed to snag a ride.  This time with Grandma and Grandpa.
Our last ride
 Us with the desert as our background.
A few other random pictures from the month.
Mia had decided she'd rather put the potato head pieces on her than the potatoes.  The hat is cute...
 But the mustache is a little gross.