Saturday, June 5, 2010


May was really a rather exciting and busy month. The weather finally dried out enough that we were able to put the rest of the yard in. I'm so glad we decided to sod the rest of it. It is so nice having it in and done. The sod has taken really well and growing very fast. We also got the garden planted. We planted peas, carrots, radishes, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, and peppers. So far it's doing well and everything has already started coming up. This is our first try at a garden of our own so we'll see how it goes. My dad always had a big garden and Monty's mom had a huge garden that he spent many Saturdays weeding so it's not a completely foreign concept to us.
This is a picture of our backyard now with the garden starting to sprout.
While having the yard in is great, the most exciting part of May was VACATION!! We went to St. George for a week and it was fabulous. I had never been down to St. George so it was a new adventure for me. We spent the week enjoying the sunny warm weather, hiking, visiting friends and family and I spent some time lounging by the pool while Monty did some golfing. It was cold and rainy at home the week we were gone which made it even better.
We spent one day hiking in Snow Canyon. Here we are trekking along the old river bed. I've decided I don't like hiking in deep sand, especially considering the ponds we were hiking to were dried up and mucky but it was still fun.
I think Bryce Canyon was my favorite I think. We hiked down through the canyon and then hiked the rim and hit various view points along the way.
There were several caves and alcoves that had been carved out of the canyon walls.
Down in the bottom of the canyon.
It's hard to see them in the background but the whole canyon is full of Hoodoos which are rock pillars that have been formed by water seeping into cracks, freezing, thawing, and seeping further. There were miles of them and many were in symmetrical rows. It was just amazing to see. I hate to admit but yes Monty and I are dressed a like. He noticed it that morning before we left the resort but didn't say anything. I was rather annoyed once I figured it out cuz I hate to be "that couple."
We also went to Zion's Canyon and did several hikes there. Sadly our camera was dead one of the days we were there so we didn't get any pictures from the backside of the canyon but oh well.
Throughout Zions canyon there are places where water has seeped out of the rocks. Sometimes it is only for a matter of minutes and other places have almost a continuous seeping.
Behind us is weeping rock. It is one place that is almost always seeping. Some of the water coming out of the rock is 4,000 years old.
This is the Upper Emerald pool. There is also a lower and two middle pools. I guess there is an algae that grows in the pools that makes them look green but the algae wasn't there when we were so they weren't so emerald.
This is Monty on a bridge over the Virgin River. Apparently all of Zion's Canyon has been carved by this single river.
St. George was a lot of fun and it was hard to come back to reality. I always love getting away, even if it's only for a weekend. The weather is finally getting warm so hopefully we'll have a few weekend camping trips to come (I only camp when it's warm). I'll let ya know next month.